The ICD USA Section Office received the following report from Dr. T. Bob Davis, one of seven ICD Fellows who present Volunteer Seminars at dental meetings throughout the country.

“I am returning from the June 2019 Boise, ID State Meeting and wanted to update you on the success!  It is a small meeting with around 500 people total, maybe 200 + dentists. They met in a beautiful and very functional downtown venue, Boise Centre West and had a very prominent presence of ICD within the meeting. Deputy Regent John Kriz, a fine leader of ICD there, was my host with his wife, Carol and they did a superb job of making things happen!

“Not only did we have a presence during the first day of the official meeting, my lecture from 12:30-3:30 pm was positioned so a variety of attendees could come. We ended up with 40 people in the room total, a nice turn out for that size meeting. I had been told in advance that 25-30 would be average and 40 would be max. We did the max!!!!! I am convinced we would have had more if their Foundation had not held their meeting during that time. It was a very interested group since their Foundation supports at least six or more charity dental organizations each year. 

“The ICD actually had a dinner on Thursday evening where delicious food was prepared before our eyes, Basque style from Spain/France traditions. Collegiality was at its best. Awards were given by Dr. Kriz to most everyone there and the sense that ICD was alive and dynamic was clear and demonstrable. Gracious and hospitable Northwest USA wonderful folk are recognizably participants and encouragers. 

“Thanks loads for letting me be on this remarkable team!

“T. Bob Davis, DMD, FICD, FADI
Volunteer Seminar Presenter
“Why, Where, When and What is in the Details” 

For more information about our Volunteer Seminars click here!

These seminars are financially supported by International College of Dentists USA Section, the Academy of Dentistry International and the Henry Schein Cares Foundation, Inc.